Anxiously waiting

Anxiously and frequently throughout the day I check my email and blog to see if someone, anyone, has posted a comment yet. Some glimmer that what I have written has been deemed acceptable. In a sense I suppose that I am searching for a personal validation (a pat on the back, if you will) that my thoughts are of value.

Then I find that I must stop and re-examine my motives. Why did I start writing this blog anyway? Was it for gratuitous flattery from others to boost my own pitiful ego? Or, was it a means to get me writing again after an almost 2-year hiatus? In many ways I think it is a combination of both. Shallow as it may be - I still possess a basic human craving to know that what I do, and what I say, has value in another's eyes.

For my inner, higher, more altruistic self - such feedback holds no real meaning. But I must confess that at this point of development in my life, I am a bit more egocentric than that. Please do not take this the wrong way - I am not begging for praise. It is quite obvious that my blog postings are of great quality and can fully stand on their own (wink wink).

However, should you be so inclined.....


  1. Truth be told there is a certain satifaction out of the comments on the blogs. So, no, its not wrong to want the validation.

    The neatest part about blogging is the community that you develop as time goes on. Just be patient.

    A blog is like a garden. The longer you stare at the seeds the less happens. If you contribute and maintain your blog, it will bloom. You'll be surprised what happens and who you'll meet.

  2. Thanks for so eloquently providing validation :-D

    It's nice to know that someone likes my blog garden. Thank goodness I'm full of enough fertilizer for the garden - I just hope I don't run out of seeds ;-)

  3. You are asking me to be able to figure out how to LEAVE a comment--I think you give me too much credit! hmmmm. ;)
    Seriously, I am enjoying your posts. And I agree positive feedack is nice to get!

  4. Oh my gosh, I am the same way! And if I suddenly stop getting comments from someone I worry that they don't like me anymore....even when I don't actually know them in person. ;o) I like to think that someday I'll have the maturity to not have that matter anymore. Today is not that day though. Maybe tomorrow? ;o)
