Who's coming to visit?

As a kid, when Mom would ask my brother and I to help clean up the house – our first question would inevitably be… “who’s coming to visit?”.

I rarely get visitors to my home these days – which has allowed me to often take the lazy road of procrastination when it comes to clutter control. I can be very “house blind” if you will – not noticing how stuff can quickly stack up on tables, chairs, and even the floor at times.

But, all that clutter has a purpose – or so I lazily lead myself to believe.
  • That pile of stuff is to be given away to charity so why has it been sitting there for three months now?
  • I just haven’t had time to sort through all the junk mail this week
    I believe everyone can relate to this one
  • A little dust on the flat surfaces isn’t the end of the world
    that is if I notice it before it gets too thick -- besides, the lawn needs to be mowed (and more people can see that than dust on the end table)
  • The full laundry basket provides a wonderful justification to go purchase new clothes I am getting much better at not doing this – due to financial constraints and full closets
  • Oh, are there dirty dishes in the sink? Maybe I’ll find time to wash them tomorrow
    there are just too many books to read, movies to see, and sleep to catch up on first
Instead of following Scarlet O'Hara's attitude of, "Fiddle dee dee, I shall think of that tomorrow" -- perhaps I should take more to heart my Mom’s response to the question of who is coming for a visit. More often than not she would reply… “We Are!!”


  1. You are forgetting every single persons favorite hiding spot...

    the nearest closet, cupboard, or drawer.

    Out of sight. Out of .... what was I saying?

  2. Since moving to this new house, I am finding that it is harder to leave things around like I did at the other house. I used to have the excuse that there is no place to put it. (I still kind of can say that since the closets are not all built). But since I do have more space now, it is harder to justify my old habits.

  3. We don't get visitors all that often either. Maybe that's why....
