Time passing

Am sitting here thinking that something should be posted on this blog to herald in the new year... sorry, but I seriously got nothing except for a few rambling thoughts about the passing of time.

When a birthday comes people sometimes ask, "how does it feel to be a year older?". Is it really an entire year, and should I honestly feel "older"? It isn't like I magically jumped forward a whole 365 days in one shot... but merely another day lived in a long and growing list of days.

The more days that pass directly corresponds to more thought going into remembering my current age (easily forgotten, and sometimes math is required)! No child-like answers proudly saying, "I am 6-and-a-half years old!!" For some reason that half-year which is so crucial when one is young - becomes less and less important with the passing of years as one blends into the next. Then you get to be really old... when one enters childhood once again, blithely stating that you are now XX-years-old (ancient of days to be sure - please fill in your own number that you consider to be "really old")!!

With a change from an old year to a new one, one sure thing is that an incorrect date will be mistakenly written numerous times over the next few weeks! Oh, and according to countless predictions... putting us ever closer to the end of the world on December 21, 2012!!

Happy New Year! May it not be our last one!

1 comment:

  1. So true...time is relative. WHo cares really?

    We had a chat with our kids yesterday about new years resolutions and how we should spend every day examining ourselves for change and improvement and not just one day a year. I think it went over their heads (except the 8 year old...if he was even listening) :)

    Happy New Year to you too.
