
Succumbing to pressure I have acquiesced and finally joined Facebook. Actually it is my alter ego of Messy Musings who has joined Facebook. I still consider myself to be quite "faceless".

Poor Messy Musings never actually went to high school - nor has she ever lived anywhere but in my own mind (please don't tease her about where she lives - she's quite sensitive about that). So Messy's Facebook profile is somewhat limited at this time. I am however in the process of asking her questions in order to complete other areas of that profile. Please remember that those answers will be coming from her and not me!!

So far Messy only has three Facebook friends - which is kinda sad when you stop to think about it. So, if you are on Facebook and want to be Messy's friend - she told me that invitations are welcome.


  1. Well, anonymous Facebook accounts seem to grow more slowly than regular accounts. Just think of all the fun ways you now have to waste your time! There's a quiz/game out there for everything you could possibly dream up.

  2. What about the green furry thing... Is that what Messy looks like?
