What woman out there doesn’t like shopping? And even better than that - shopping for things when they are on sale!!
Back in the day at ZCMI (a marvelous department store in downtown Salt Lake City - that alas is no more) they would periodically hold what were known as “door crasher” sales. Mom knew exactly which door would be opened mere moments before any of the others in the store. It was there that she anxiously waited for the doors to be unlocked, and the highly anticipated sales to begin. Mom was always first in line of course - she hated to be late for anything - and being first in line would assure her of greater sales prowess. I distinctly remember still being in a stroller - and even later walking (make that running - Mom was known for her quick stride) with Mom to these sales.
Ready, set, run… masses of women rushing and almost knocking down hapless sales people who bravely unlocked the doors - all in an effort to get to the basement bargain tables before anyone else. It was there that the hoards of shoppers would find tables piled high with towels, sheets, shirts, socks, pants, etc. - all being offered at the lowest prices ever conceived of for a "door crasher" closeout sale.
Mom’s supreme strategy was to simply elbow other women out of her way and gather a large helping of whatever was on the table - sort through the items in her arms - throwing back that which didn’t fit her needs. Then she would thrust into my small waiting arms her chosen finds - and turn again to shove herself once more into the mad foray of bargain hungry women.
There is nothing more terrifying than to witness the flailing arms and elbows of determined bargain shoppers hunting for their prey in a “door crasher” sale. Some of these maddened women would actually have the audacity to try and pry Mom’s prized finds out of my tiny hands. But I would hold tightly - and with shopping genes bred pure and true into my very being - would scream at these women... "These belong to my Mommy!! NO you can not have them!!"
Maybe these childhood sales experiences are one reason why I do not participate in the day after Thanksgiving sales. I got the madness out of my system at a very young age - and today’s bargain shopping simply pales in comparison. I also don’t appreciate loosing valuable sleep just for the sake of shopping.
Perhaps those shopping genes have finally worn themselves out - or are not in reality quite so pure? That being said - I admit there is still a visible warm internal glow and sense of pure pride of accomplishment after a crushing bargain take down. Hummmm... shopping anyone?