In my defense, I have actually been busy (for a change). I know that I have been physically active, because my muscles remind me every waking (and sleeping) hour of the day! My yard is slowly emerging, temporarily victorious, from the ongoing battle against weed infestation. I have also planted potatoes in the newly plowed veggie garden spot. As for other veggies or flowers, not for a few more weeks until we pass the supposed "frost danger zone". I would hate to have my efforts decimated by an all too common early May frost.
This week I have successfully been weening myself away from wasting massive hours playing online computer games. They served an important mindless purpose this past winter, keeping me from sinking into total insanity during the surgery recovery time. However their at first tenuous grip on me managed to tighten, as I unwittingly increased the number of online games to play. No more, I say! I shall regain my freedom from game enslavement!! This past week I have actually spent some wondrous time reading a book (wonder of all wonders - I haven't forgotten how to read!!).
Now on to the most important of all news... after 22-plus-years of being bikeless (haven't had one since I was in Japan, serving as a missionary in my early 20's) - I have purchased a bicycle!! Not just any bicycle - but one who's design hearkens back to a more simpler time. It is a pure delightful combination of retro styling, and modern technology (see photo stolen from the internet below).

Notice it actually has front and rear fenders - an uncommon anomaly in today's version of bicycles. I can also sit upright on a non-wedgie giving seat like a human while I ride, rather than hunched over reaching for handlebars placed in an un-natural position. I'm not sure yet what I will do with all the 24-gears it comes with, but am sure I can find something. Now I just need to get a basket for the front (sans flowers please), and a bell (to warn people I'm a commin')!!
All things near and dear to us should have a name (even inanimate objects). I will be accepting suggestions for bicycle names, should you feel so inclined.