
historical musings

Welcome to A Mess of Musings blog! Here's a little snippet of the Musings household historical background, for those who may (or may not) be interested.
  • I have had clinical depression on and off (mostly on) since I was a teenager (let's just say that takes a time warp back to somewhere around 1980)
  • Never recognized it for what it was, until around April 2010 (hit an all-time rock bottom)
  • Started counseling in May 2010
  • Started medication in June 2010
  • Started blogging about my clinical depression experiences in November 2010 (took me months to feel comfortable with talking about or sharing this part of my life)
  • I am now in a better place than I have been for decades - but that doesn't mean I am "cured" of depression... only that I now have more tools to use in dealing with it
So if you are still reading this, - and you are interested in reading more... might I suggest these beginning three blog posts about my life as a "functional clinical depressive". Or just begin reading where you want!!

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