
Journaling gratitude (random 5 friday)

Went to my first appointment Thursday this week with a new counselor. She is awesome, and I am looking forward to ..... well, looking forward to looking forward again!

She is not there to wave a magic wand, or somehow "fix" my brokenness (this is real life, not fiction). But to offer guidance pointing me in the right direction, along with a lot of work on my part. This is what will lead me to achieve healing from depression.

To that end I received homework assignments. One being to maintain a "gratitude journal" - where I am to write down at least three things a day that I am grateful for. Accomplishing this means stepping out of my comfort zone. Okay I admit, it's not "comfortable" living my life in depression. It is in fact Hades on earth. But it is also what I know and am familiar with. So here's to the discomfort that change can bring! Woo hoo... I'm scared! So decided to use my blog to kick off this new beginning. And of course since today is Random 5 Friday, here are five (not three) things I am grateful for.
  1. That I was the last counseling appointment scheduled for the day. We went overtime (by quite a bit), and she offered to me the tender mercy and gift of her time.
  2. For only needing to write five things - because this is way harder to do than I thought it would be!!
  3. My home. It needs some updating (and a lot of cleaning / decluttering), but keeps me safe, warm and sheltered.
  4. People who read my blog, even though I personally know only a few of you. Still, seeing the number count of visits go up somehow gives me a sense of belonging... for someone cared enough to read my words and thoughts.
  5. Last, but certainly never least, gratitude in my everything for the so freely given supreme gift of the Savior's atonement. Without this I would never have a chance to ever return home someday and live with my Father in Heaven.
Think that was easy for me to do? No it was not!! But I do feel much better now. Thank you for visiting today, let's do it again soon okay?!!

Thank you Nancy at A Rural Journal
for the opportunity to participate in...


  1. I also maintain a gratitude journal... reading all the blessings and miracles (no matter how small it is) helps in uplifting the spirits.

  2. A great post! I think a gratitude journal is a wonderful idea! :)

  3. I'm honored that you chose my little meme to post your "gratitudes." Also happy that you are choosing to make a change in your life. Very courageous. xo

  4. Keeping a gratitude journal seems like good advice for everyone. You have some wonderful things to feel grateful for - and it seems like a good thing that you look forward to seeing your new counselor.

  5. Wonderful post. A gratitude journal would be good for everyone. Way to go!

  6. Keeping a gratitude journal is a wonderful tool to break from depression! I am impressed that you are choosing to share your struggles on your blog and to take the steps to overcome your depression.

    Keep up with the gratitude journal. Some days it may not be easy to see any good, but it's always there and being mindful of it will really change your attitude!

  7. Good job Becky! :-) I love your list!

  8. Great post, Becky! You have wonderful things to be grateful for. Thank you for sharing the experience with us. And I'm so glad that you're looking forward to another visit with the counselor!

  9. Keeping a Gratitude Journal is so fulfilling and makes you realize how truly blessed we are. Thank you for sharing...waita' go!!

  10. Gratitude will shift your entire outlook on things. So important in life to find the things you are grateful for!

  11. You are certainly on the right track. Just wishing the best for you today and always.

  12. i hope you will find time to get your house into the place (haven) you wish for soon. i have things i want - but need money to go through with them ... maybe one day soon. fingers crossed. ( :

  13. This is a very thoughtful list and I agree that it's good to stop and think about what makes us feel grateful.

  14. Gratitude Journals gives us such inspiration, helping us see what we have to be grateful for ... there is a lot when we look around. Thanks for your honesty.

  15. The gratitude journal is a fine way of focusing to the little and big things that we can be thankful for - "1000 gifts" inspired me to keep a gratitude journal. I'm happy for you that you've found a counsellor you're comfortable with - great things can take place, blessings to you and sunshine to your weekend!

  16. This is a wonderful post! And you did it! You're taking important steps and are very courageous.

  17. A great post! Thanks for reminding me too to be thankful.

  18. 5 VERY wonderful things to be grateful for. YEAY for healing!
