
Where did she go?

A person has been lost!!

Yes, I have lost the equivalent of an entire person... to be specific, a 103 pound person!  My diet lifestyle plan implemented the beginning of this year is closely reaching an end point (or is that a "beginning" point?). I am only about 15 pounds from my target!! Then I shall go through a 6-week "transition" phase, followed by a lifetime of making better and healthier food choices.

Last weekend it snowed, and looked so beautiful outside I just had to get a photo (or two, or three!!). Then came the brilliant idea that I should be IN the photo!! After all, I have a beautiful red sweater that would look fantastic against a snowy backdrop. A wonderful friend (thanks Catherine!!) ventured out into the snow with me to take some photos!!

This is my first time ever posting an actual photo of myself on this blog! For decades now I have been very camera phobic - always hiding behind people or objects whenever possible when cameras came out. The reason being, I honestly hated seeing my overweight self documented in a photo. That's all changed now... for the better!!

First "before & after"
June 2011 (7 months before starting)
June 2012 (5 months into weight loss)
(59 pounds lost)
I saved that pair of jeans... and will eventually take the quintessential weight loss photo "wearing" them.
Second "before & after"
January 27, 2012 (day before starting diet)
November 10, 2012 (almost there!!)
(103 pounds lost)
BIG difference, eh?!!

Wow!! It was really cold outside!!

It was a very fun day!!

Now you all know what I really look like (and no, I'm not a fuzzy green cartoon character)!!


  1. I think this is so great! Good job!

  2. You look Terrific! I hope you are very proud of yourself...I know what a difficult thing that is to do;) Best wishes on your lifestyle change! Merriann

  3. How wonderful! You should be very proud of yourself! That is a great accomplishment.

  4. Now THAT is the Shimai I recognize! Way to go. You look fabulous!

  5. You sure do look fantabulous. When you are ready to venture into a lifetime of better food/life choices, don't forget to look up recipes on my blog. he he he!

    Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. We will have some fun fun times.

  6. Wow! That's awesome! You are I are the same age btw. I graduated in 1983 as well.
