
Life is a test

Happy Birthday Mom!!
Today was going to be just another Tuesday... until I remembered this morning it is my Mom’s birthday! She would have been 78 years old today. I love and miss her so much - she was, and still is, a blessing and gift in my life. She was truly funny, with a completely infectious laugh! No matter your own mood, or even if you didn’t know her... when Mom laughed - the whole room had to laugh too! I miss being able to talk with her about anything - knowing that I would receive in return pure love at all times and in all places. Her motivation behind everything she ever did was simply... love.

This coming weekend marks the passing of both of my parents. Mom (who was taken way too young in life, just 5-days after her birthday) died from the ravages of breast cancer 10-years ago this coming Sunday. Has it really been that long? Sometimes it seems like it happened yesterday. Dad was reunited with Mom four years later - only 6-years ago this coming Saturday (dying from the devastation of lymphoma). As much as I would have loved Mom (and Dad) to stay around much longer (but not suffering or in pain) - I will forever be grateful for the 4-years I had to spend alone with my Dad. It was a time of getting to know him so much better, something not really experienced while growing up (was always closer to my Mom). I miss and love you too Dad!! You always gave the best hugs ever!!

From both of my parents I learned wonderful eternal lessons of faith in God by observing their dedicated obedience to His commandments – and sweet lessons of unconditional love for their children. I know that as much as my earthly parents loved me (and they did) - even more so does my Heavenly Father (my God) love me.

Like the two thousand warriors spoken of in Alma 56:47-48... I do not doubt.
yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them. And they rehearsed... the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it.
I do not doubt that both of my parents knew God – knew firsthand of His love, and His tender mercies. It is my greatest desire to once again feel the arms of parental love surround me... and to live once more with my family. Life does not end with the death of the mortal body - it continues in one eternal round connected by family. I may no longer have immediate family in my life at this time... but I know this life is just the test, not the reward. May we all pass life's tests and receive the promised reward.

What a difference

Wow!! Two blog posts in a single day... a new record for me!! Amazing what a difference only a few short hours can make. A heavy dark cloud has hung over me all this week - and today it was especially difficult to handle. All day I tried not to succumb to the overwhelming pervading darkness - but I just wanted to crawl into my cave like a wounded animal, metaphorically lick my wounds and hide from the world. Dang that sounds way too familiar!! Like I have stepped back to a time and place where depression had complete and ultimate dominance in my life.

So what happened to change the course of the day and make a difference?  I'll tell you what... it was two completely wonderful and seriously funny friends. Days ago they were heaven inspired to invite me over for an evening of playing games (and trying to make one of the cutest little babies ever smile). I love playing games - and I love getting babies to smile!! As a bonus... the little cutie even laughed!!

To be honest - there was a small part of me tempted to "call in sick" and stay home. But I knew from previous firsthand experience that isolation only feeds the depression, and does nothing but deepen the gloom. So I went - and had a GREAT time!! Thank you dear friends for helping me this evening - even if you did so unaware of the precious gift given and gratefully received. Tonight only reinforces my belief in the tender mercies of the Lord - and how He often acts through others to help in times of need.

Dear Life:

When I say, 'things couldn't get any worse' ... 
please remember that is not intended as a challenge!!