
Life Top 10

Let's see if I can catch up on my blog... considering that I have been most neglectful the past few days - weeks - make that a month now!! Nothing terribly exciting happening... which is fairly normal for my humdrum existence! Here are the top 10 highlights for the month!!
  1. Yes, I am still proceeding forward with my diet lifestyle change... and have lost a total of 31 pounds now, leaving only 86 more pounds to drop!!
  2. Attempted to plant some perennial flowers in my front yard yesterday. Hopefully these will actually survive my sad plant growing attempts (did I mention that I have a black thumb?)
  3. Fertilized my front and backyard lawns (probably a little late getting that done - darn that black thumb).
  4. Discovered that popcorn really does grow on apricot trees. My tree is in full bloom... too bad I am getting rid of it this year - not really so bad, I hate apricots!! (sorry Mom & Dad)
  5. Thought I had dug up all of the crocus flower bulbs prior to laying sod in a certain part of my yard a few years ago. Surprise surprise... there are three pretty flowers beautifying that part of my lawn!! Guess I can grow some flowers - just need to attempt to destroy them - then forget and neglect!! Crocus must have powers that supersede black thumb powers (something to remember).
  6. Cleaned my bathroom. Only took me an entire day to get it done. Not that the room is very large - nor was it exceptionally dirty... just that I was finding it a difficult thing to do on such a nice Friday off work (some "vacation" day, huh?).
  7. Have one of those bagless vacuum cleaners. Decided to finally read the directions regarding the filter. Says to rinse the filter fairly frequently - and let totally air dry before putting back together. Discovered it can take more than a day to get it to dry - finally ended up putting it outside in the sun yesterday. Carpets still need to be vacuumed!
  8. Am looking to change insurance providers on my car and home - and also improve my earthquake coverage at the same time. Having experienced firsthand a 7.1 earthquake in October 1989... seen the extent of damage that can happen... I feel it is very important to have earthquake insurance on the home. It's not a matter of if... but when!!
  9. This morning (before church) roasted a boneless turkey breast - my house still smells soooo good!!
  10. Last, but not least... my nails are clipped, and bellybutton is free of lint!!
Now you are all caught up with my life. Aren't you glad you paused to read this?


Did you honestly think that I could have a blog posting without once bringing up the dreaded word... depression? Yes, I have had periods of depression in the past few weeks... it is in those moments that I truly feel powerless... physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. My Bishop (congregation ecclesiastical leader) gave me a priesthood blessing a couple weeks ago. It helped a lot - just wish it would be a more permanent thing!

I find myself pulling away from people, both real and virtual - hence one reason for my bloglessness (is that a word? if not, then it is now!). But even when I am pulling away from others - I still find a need inside to reach out - to offer some bit of understanding and comfort to those I know are also dealing with depression hades.

I seem to be able to offer to them words of truth, comfort and faith that I am not always able to fully accept in my own life. It is a paradox wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma smothered in contradiction... (try saying that 5 times really fast!!).